The future of India rests in our hands we, the youth of today.

The future of India rests in our hands we, the youth of today.

On the momentous occasion of our 78th Independence Day, we stand on the shoulders of the giants—giants, who fought tirelessly to secure the freedom we cherish. India, our motherland, once shackled by colonial rule, has risen like a phoenix, achieving incredible milestones that define our identity today.

But this journey is far from over. The future of India rests in our hands—we, the youth of today. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and change makers, the driving force that will propel India into a new era of progress and prosperity. From climate change to economic growth, from social justice to global leadership, it is our responsibility and accountability to build a nation that reflects our values and aspirations.

With this as we tread forward, in the wake of ongoing happenings, it is crucial that we foster an environment of equality and equity—a space where both women and men can thrive equally. Creating a society that values and supports everyone, regardless of any norm, is not just a matter of fairness but a foundation for true progress. We should never forget that in this interconnected global era, protecting Bharat’s sovereignty is a collective responsibility so that Bharat continues to stand tall on the world stage.

Today, it is for the India that we dreamt of, for the India that we fought for, for the India that at the stroke of the midnight hour awakened to life and freedom, that we stand here united to build a future worthy of that promise—a future where we protect the vulnerable and fulfill our pledge to create a safe haven for all. In light of recent events, we must rise above the shadows of such tragedies and commit ourselves to a society where respect, dignity, and justice prevail, for true development can only be achieved when every individual feels safe and valued. With these thoughts,

दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को, जिससे तेरी शान है,
सर हमेशा ऊंचा रखना इसका,
जब तक तुझमें जान है|
Jai Hind!

Written by:

Nandini Puri
Head Girl
Class 12th
Batch 2024

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